Invests in a broad set of investment grade municipal debt obligations.
Pursues the benefits associated with indexing (diversification, controlled turnover, transparency of exposures), but with the ability to add value by making investment decisions using information in current yields.
Efficient portfolio management and trading process that is designed to enhance returns while seeking to reduce unnecessary risks and transaction costs.
Built to fit seamlessly into an investor's asset allocation.
S&P National AMT-Free Municipal Bond Index
| 年平均
年平均リターンは、当ファンドのパフォーマンスがその期間を通じて一定であったと仮定した場合の、累積のトータルリターンの年率換算リターンを示しています。1年未満のリターンは年率換算されていません。 | |||||||
年初来 | 1か月 | 3か月 | 1年 | 3年 | 5年 | 10年 | 設定来 | |
純資産額。ポートフォリオの受益権1口当たりの時価総額。基準価額のリターンはファンドの基準価額に基づいています。基準価額のリターンは、配当およびキャピタルゲインによる分配がその基準価額でファンドに再投資されることを前提としています。 |
1.30% | -0.96% | 0.50% | 9.46% | -0.20% | - - | - - | -0.18% |
市場価格は、取引所の取引時間中にETFの受益権を売買できる価格です。市場価格は、受益権が上場する主要な証券取引所における当ファンドのNAVが算出される時点のビッドの最高値とオファーの最安値の仲値を基準として算出されます。市場価格のリターンは当ファンドの受益権1口当たりの市場価格に基づいて算出されます。当ファンドの受益権がセカンダリー市場で取引されるのは設定後であるため、設定からセカンダリー市場での取引が開始されるまでの期間については、市場価格リターンを計算するためにNAVを市場価格の代わりに使用します。市場価格のリターンは、配当およびキャピタルゲインの再投資を前提としています。 |
1.01% | -1.20% | 0.41% | 9.46% | -0.25% | - - | - - | -0.20% |
undefined |
0.90% | -1.36% | 0.33% | 9.46% | -0.19% | 1.09% | 2.25% | - - |
30-Day SEC Unsubsidized Yield: Represents net investment income earned by a fund over a 30-day period, expressed as an annual percentage rate based on the fund's share price at the end of the 30-day period. Unsubsidized yield does not adjust for any fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements in effect. Yield to Maturity: The internal rate of return of the security based on the given market price—it is the single discount rate that equates a security price (inclusive of accrued interest) with its projected cashflows. Yield to Worst: Lowest yield possible for a security given the current price, taking into account both call dates and maturity.
Subsidized Yield
Due to rounding, these values may not add to 100% 2024/10/31
Sector Allocation: Reflects the blend of securities owned by a fund. For example, the percentage of foreign or domestic stocks held by an equity fund or the percentage of corporate and government securities owned by a bond fund. The U.S./Foreign Convertibles grouping includes Convertible Bonds, Equity Linked Securities and Convertible Preferred securities.
Special Tax | 27% | |
Local GO | 12% | |
University Private | 9% | |
Toll Facilities | 9% | |
Public Power | 8% | |
Water & Sewer | 8% | |
State GO | 8% | |
Lease Revenue | 6% | |
Other Transportation | 3% | |
University Public | 3% | |
Airport | 3% | |
Pre-Refunded | 1% | |
Cash & Cash Equivalents | 1% | |
Hospital | 1% | |
Charter School | 1% | |
Student Housing | <1% | |
Gas | <1% |
Negative weights may be due to open security or capital stock trades at period end and/or unrealized loss on derivative positions as a percent of net assets at period end.
時点: 2024/11/21 全銘柄を表示する
評価額 (米ドル) |
SAN ANTONIO TX PUB FACS CORP L SANFAC 09/42 FIXED OID 4 | 796334AS9 | US796334AS99 | 3743235.92 | 2.56% |
MIAMI BEACH FL RESORT TAX REVE MMBGEN 09/40 FIXED 5 | 593238CF3 | US593238CF33 | 2844863.94 | 1.95% |
SAN JACINTO TX CMNTY CLG DIST SNJHGR 02/41 FIXED 4 | 798025ML3 | US798025ML35 | 2824006.08 | 1.93% |
SAN DIEGUITO CA UNION HIGH SCH SDTSCD 02/40 FIXED 4 | 797508GD4 | US797508GD49 | 2152129.36 | 1.47% |
PENNSYLVANIA ST TURNPIKE COMMI PASTRN 12/40 FIXED 5 | 709224KW8 | US709224KW89 | 1696368.14 | 1.16% |
COLORADO ST COPS COSCTF 12/40 FIXED 4 | 196711UD5 | US196711UD56 | 1504362.60 | 1.03% |
NEW YORK ST DORM AUTH REVENUES NYSHGR 07/41 FIXED 4 | 64990CEK3 | US64990CEK36 | 1412984.77 | 0.97% |
NEW YORK ST URBAN DEV CORP SAL NYSFAC 03/39 FIXED 4 | 64985TCL3 | US64985TCL35 | 1411038.48 | 0.97% |
DIST OF COLUMBIA INCOME TAX SE DISGEN 03/40 FIXED 4 | 25477GPL3 | US25477GPL31 | 1319303.86 | 0.90% |
KANSAS ST DEPT OF TRANSPRTN HI KSSTRN 09/33 FIXED 5 | 485424QP3 | US485424QP38 | 1316740.62 | 0.90% |
Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) are bought and sold through exchange trading at market price (not NAV), and are not individually redeemed from the fund. Shares may trade at a premium or discount to their NAV in the secondary market. Brokerage commissions will reduce returns.
This fund is an actively managed ETF that does not seek to replicate the performance of a specified index. To determine whether to buy or sell a security, the portfolio managers consider, among other things, various fund requirements and standards, along with economic conditions, alternative investments, interest rates and various credit metrics. If the portfolio manager considerations are inaccurate or misapplied, the fund's performance may suffer.
Generally, as interest rates rise, the value of the bonds held in the fund will decline. The opposite is true when interest rates decline.
Municipal Securities investing is more sensitive to events that affect municipal markets, including legislative or political changes and the financial condition of the issuers of municipal securities. The fund may have a higher level of risk than funds that invest in a larger universe of securities. Additionally, the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has significantly stressed the financial resources of many municipal issuers, which may impair a municipal issuer's ability to meet its financial obligations when due and could adversely impact the value of its bonds, which could negatively impact the performance of the fund.
International investing involves special risks, such as political instability and currency fluctuations. Investing in emerging markets may accentuate these risks.
Derivatives may be more sensitive to changes in market conditions and may amplify risks.
Investment income may be subject to certain state and local taxes and, depending on your tax status, the federal alternative minimum tax (AMT). Capital gains are not exempt from state and federal income tax.
For detailed descriptions of indices or investing terms referenced above, refer to our glossary.
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上場投資信託(ETF):Foreside Fund Services, LLCがディストリビューターであり、American Century Investment Services, Inc.とは関係ありません。